Working and studying parents
Working parents
Find out about other help parents can get childcare costs.
Childcare Choices is a user friendly resource providing information about all of the different types of help with childcare costs. Including Tax free childcare, Universal credit for childcare, and help with the cost of childcare while you study
Parents can use the Government childcare-calculator to find out what schemes they are eligible for and how much they can get towards the cost of childcare.
Studying parents
If you are over 20 years old you may be entitled to the Discretionary Learner Support Fund. This can be used to pay for childcare. You will need to talk to the Educational Settings Student Support Service.
If you are under 20 years old then you may be entitled to the Care to Learn fund. For further information about the support available, call the Learner Support Helpline on 0800 1218989.