- Description
Southend's Planetarium is the only planetarium facility in the south-east, outside of London. It presents a range of talks about astonomy and the night sky, and all our talks are given live so there's plenty of opportunity to ask any questions! Pease call to check times, prices and availability before you travel.
Please note that most shows are suitable for those aged 7 and over. Under 5s are not admitted to the Planetarium.
We recommend contacting us to confirm seat availability and current programme.
SEND friendly shows:
These shows have a smaller capacity than usual, and are quieter and more relaxed. SEND shows run in the Planetarium and the Lecture Theatre and there is also an accessible standard show in the Lecture Theatre. These run on a three monthly rotation on the last Sunday of the month at 11.30am.
Please see the website for further details including access information.
- Telephone
01702 212345
- Email address
- Website
- Door number
Southend Central Museum
- Street Name
Victoria Avenue
- Town/City
- County
- Postcode
- Map
- Date and time
Public shows run every Saturday and Sunday at 2pm. Pre-booking is essential, please contact us on 01702 212345 to confirm seat availability and current programme. Planetarium shows run for around 45 - 60 minutes.
SEND shows run on the last Sunday of the month at 11.30am.
- Time of day
- Cost description
Standard shows:
- Adults £7.50
- Child/Concession: £5.10
- Family Ticket: £23.10 (2 adults and up to 3 children)
Special shows - all tickets £9
If you are looking to book on behalf of an education or community group, please contact us on museumseducationteam@southend.gov.uk for more information.