
We are a travel agency. For disabled people.

Visit our website for more.

What we do:

  • Book flights from most UK airports.
  • Arrange help at the airport
  • Recommending accessible hotels, apartments and villas in a variety of wheelchair accessible resorts
  • Helping disabled travellers by suggesting properties with wheel-in showers, pool hoists, ramped pool access and other services often required by disabled people on holiday
  • Guaranteed adapted rooms upon confirmation of booking
  • Arranging transfers in adapted vehicles 
  • Sourcing and booking mobility equipment essential for day to day living
Name and position
Kathanna McGivern - Manager
0800 622 6000
Email address

Disabled Access Holidays, 83 Victoria Street. Westminster. London, SW1H 0HW

Venue notes

We also have an office in Glasgow of which address is:

Disabled Access Holidays, 84, Berkeley street, Charing Cross, Glasgow, G3 7DS

Date and time
Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Time of day
Evening Morning Afternoon
Is a referral required?
LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
Offering services to;
Carers Older people Adults
Supporting people with;
Learning disability Communication Impairment including Speech and Language Delay Long term conditions Physical impairment Visual impairment Hearing impairment Dementia Sensory and/or physical need