
Coffee Heaven is a drop in that is open for anyone to attend. There are drinks available and a few small toys and books for younger children to play with. The aim of coffee heaven is to provide a place that people can come to, to meet up with others for a cuppa and a chat in a friendly environment that is also suitable for children.

Some people often bring their craft projects too (e.g. knitting) so feel free to just come along and relax.

This group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 09:45 -12:00.

01702 420855
Email address

Eastwood Baptist Church, Nobles Green Road, Eastwood, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 5QA

Special needs details
All welcome. Please call to discuss any individual needs.
LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
Offering services to;

Carers, older people, adults