- Description
Open Arts is a community based arts project, working across the county of Essex. We help people improve and maintain their own mental health and wellbeing, through creative learning, social inclusion and self expression.
All our participants are people aged 16 or older, who have either experienced mental health problems or are a carer.
Our courses include taster sessions in visual arts, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, creative writing and crafts. We also offer drama, digital arts and photography courses that help develop new skills and confidence.
But most importantly, we offer a positive and productive environment that has been part of many people's recovery.
- Name and position
Jo Keay - Open Arts manager
- Telephone
07580 982 462
- Email address
- Website
- Date and time
Please visit our web page for a list of courses.
- Cost description
Some of our courses offer free places. For others you may need to be eligible for a recovery budget, personal budget or carers budget. We can talk about what you'd like to do when you contact us.
- Is a referral required?
- Referral notes
We have an open referral system, you can self refer or if you prefer, any health or social care worker can refer you. Just ask them to contact us.
- Age range
- LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
- Supporting people with;
- Mental health conditions
- Learning disability
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulty