
The Road Safety Team at Southend Council is responsible for promoting road safety to all those people who live, work travel to and study in the borough. They do a lot of work in schools and colleges by presenting themed assemblies, running year specific road safety sessions and attending open days and events. They run specific campaigns such as drink driving awareness and safe winter driving. They also run child seat safety advice sessions and attend public events promoting road safety to the community.


Name and position
Peter Swanwick - Road Safety Officer
01702 215193 07766 998369
Email address
Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6ER
Date and time

Office hours Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Session information
Various sessions available on request
Is this free to all?
Cost description

All services free. 

Is a referral required?
Offering services to;
No specific age