
Southend Museum was built in 1905-6 at a cost of £9,374 and originally housed Southend Library.

The building was commissioned and paid for by the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, a Scottish-born American immigrant, who went from rags to riches in the steel manufacturing industry.

Later in his life, Carnegie sold his steel business and systematically gave 90% of his collected fortune away to cultural, educational and scientific institutions for "the improvement of mankind." In total he spent over $55million on building over 2,509 libraries throughout the English-speaking world and was commonly referred to as the "Patron Saint of Libraries".

01702 434449
Email address
Southend Central Museum, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-sea, Essex, SS2 6EW
Date and time
Wednesday - Sunday 11am - 5pm
Time of day
Morning Afternoon
Is this free to all?
Cost description
Entry to our exhibitions and building is free.
LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
Offering services to;

All ages and conditions welcome. 

Local Offer details

Please see our website above for details of the buildings accessibility. Please note the upper floor is not accessible to those using a wheelchair. Accessible toilets are located in the Beecroft Gallery next door to the Museum.

Provision type