- Description
In Essex 9% of residents have a job in construction, that’s around 80,000 people! However, an extra 12,000 to 24,000 employees are needed over the next few 5 years. With trade, office-based and professional roles, there is something for everyone!
South Essex Construction Training Academy (SECTA) trains and supports people into jobs in the construction industry. We have training hubs on live construction sites across south Essex and offer online options.
The FREE training includes health and safety, CSCS cards, basic trade courses and specialist courses such as demolition, asbestos awareness and working from heights. Support includes CVs, job searching and interview skills workshops, 1:1 mentoring, opportunities to meet employers and access to our jobs Facebook group where new construction jobs are added daily.
If you are over 18 years old and not currently working in construction you are eligible to join SECTA. Simply register your interest at https://www.sectatraining.co.uk/register or call 01702 212856.
- Telephone
01702 212856
- Email address
- Contact notes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sectatraining/
- Venue notes
Training and support is held across south Essex and online
- Availbility
- Cost description
All training and support is free to anyone over 18 years old and not currently working in construction