Is this service online or face to face

There are many reasons why someone might experience thoughts of suicide and anyone from any walk of life can often feel that life is no longer worth living.

Feelings of isolation , a lack of self worth, a relationship breakdown, the loss of a loved one, and also issues related to a person's spiritual, sexual, cultural and neuro diversity are just some of the reasons why they might have suicidal thoughts.

At Friends For Lives we reach out to support individuals from all backgrounds and ethnicities and many of the people we support have experienced very challenging situations.

We offer phone support, assessment, safety planning and monitoring services that keep individuals safe whilst they explore additional supports through us that may help them find longer term resolutions.

We are located at The University of Essex in Southend-on-Sea and we attend various venues throughout Southend-on-Sea, Rochford and the Castle Point areas of South East Essex.


  • suicide hotline (Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm) - 03330 115 121
  • on-going support either via face-to-face meetings or on the telephone.
  • online support via our website
  • safety plan - we can create a safety plan with you to ensure that you remain safe and have a support network in place
  • suicide risk assessments - these can be either via face-to-face or over the telephone
  • additional support - we hold activities at the Havens Community Hub in Westcliff that you are able to go along to in order to re-connect with the community
  • continued monitoring - we keep in touch with you to ensure that you are safe and that you are receiving the support that you need
  • suicide and mental health training - This includes stress and anxiety management training, confidence and self-esteem training, and many more. We provide free training to you and those who are supporting you. We also provide training to companies, other services, and professionals, etc
  • monthly mental health magazine available on our website

All of our staff have in-depth training in SEND and ND mental health as we know that they experience different challenges and mental health triggers than others in the community.

We cater for all ages and abilities.

Name and position

Jo Richardson or Royston Kymberly - Office Manager


0333 0115308 or 0330 1136719

Email address

University of Essex
Friends For Lives
Suite 22
Floor 4
10 Elmer Approach



Date and time

Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm.

Is this free to all?


Is a referral required?


Referral notes

We accept referrals from professionals or self-referrals from individuals or friends/family members of the individual in need of support.

Local Offer details

We cater for all ages and abilities and all of our staff have had in-depth training on SEND and ND mental health.