- Description
If you have a learning disability, we can support you to live as independently as possible and enjoy a good quality of life. We also support family carers so that they can have a break from caring.
We can help with:
- help at home and with finding suitable housing
- education, training and employment
- breaks for carers
- planning for the future
- support to take part in leisure and community activities
To determine whether you are eligible for a service we will undertake a Care Act Assessment. You maybe offered a service form the council and/or offer information and advice to connect you to local services that can meet your needs.
We work closely with Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) Learning Disability staff including Community Nursing, Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.
- Name and position
CTPLD - CTPLD duty worker
- Telephone
Contact our duty team: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.15pm on 01702 215341 or 01702 215342.
For new referrals please ask for the Access team 01702 215008 option 5 option 1.
Out of Hours - Emergency Duty Team: Monday to Friday 5.15pm to 8.45am - Weekends Friday 5.15pm to Monday 8.45am - 0345 606 1212 (365 days a year).
- Email address
- Address
Civic Centre
Victoria Avenue
SS2 6ER - Map
- Is this free to all?
- Is a referral required?
- Referral notes
For new referrals please ask for the Access team 01702 215008 option 5 option 1
How to refer: Referrals can be made via telephone, email or through written correspondence. Referrals can be made by the person, their family or relevant professional