
We have a purpose built hydrotherapy pool in Rochford which has full wheelchair access throughout and has ceiling hoists that run directly from the changing facilities into the pool itself.

The water is heated so it will be warmer than accessing public pools and provide comfort to all users. For our current charges to use the pool, please get in contact with us.

Name and position
Mariusz Macias - Hydropool Manager
01277 653889
Email address
Hydrotherapy Pool, Sutton Bridge Farm, Sutton Road, Rochford, Essex, SS4 1XS
Date and time
Please contact us for the days and times you can book to use the hydropool
LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
Offering services to;
  • Carers Toddlers and Pre-school (1-4 years)
  • Primary Children (4-11 years)
  • Secondary Children (11-16 years)
  • Young People (16-18 years)
  • Parents and Families
Supporting people with;
  • Long term conditions
  • Physical impairment
  • Sensory and/or physical need
Local Offer age band
17-19 years 11-16 years 6-10 years 0-5 years
Provision type
Targeted Specialist