- Description
Mushroom Theatre Company aims to promote and encourage each student to achieve their full potential in a totally inclusive, safe and happy environment.
All are welcome to attend our classes. We offer specialist classes for individuals with special needs on Saturday mornings, however none of our classes are restricted due to ability, and therefore our company provides an excellent opportunity for the development of social interaction. Our emphases are on the development of self-esteem and teamwork.
Classes include: Ballet, Tap, Modern, Musical Theatre, Singing, Drama, Street Dance and much more.
- Telephone
01268 906470
- Email address
- Website
- Address
Mushroom Theatre Company, Equal People PA, 29 Brook Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 7XJ
- Map
- Date and time
Classes run throughout the week. See the website for details.
- Cost description
Please contact us for details.
- Age range
- Local Offer details
We are a preferred provider of Essex Short Break activities in the school holidays for children with SEND up to the age of 19. We are partially funded by Action for Children/ Essex Short Breaks.
- Provision type