- Description
This course is for parents of children under 5 years old within the Southend-on-Sea area with either a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition or who present with social communication difficulties that have been identified by a recognised professional.
The course gives parents the chance to speak to professionals directly to learn more about the following areas and find useful ways of helping their child.
Topics covered
The topics covered on the course are:
- an introduction to autism with Tracy Bakonyvari and Helen Smith-Vicary EY SEND Advisors and the Educational Psychology Service
- understanding your child's communication - Speech and Language Therapy Service
- feeding and toileting support with the Play and Development Advisory Tea
- sensory needs and play with Tracy Bakonyvari and Helen Smith-Vicary
- sleep and behaviour support with Educational Psychology Service
- supporting your child's play with the Early Years SEN Team
- support available to families in the area with Special Educational Needs and Disability Independent Advisory Services (SENDiass), Little Heroes ASD Support Group and the Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF)
Course frequency and details
Two courses run each year online via Microsoft Teams.
This course is made up of 6 sessions, each lasting 1 hour, where parents get to meet professionals and ask any questions they have on supporting their child.
Each week the learning and information is sent home to parents/carers and is then discussed at the following weeks session.
How to join the course
You can be referred by any professional working with your child if they feel that this would be the right course for you. This can include the Play and Development team, Paediatrician or Speech and Language Therapist.
Feedback from parents and carers who attended our course
"I found it exceptionally helpful and have saved the videos to refer back to later on!"
"Thank you so much for organising this it has been so nice to speak to other parents and professionals!"
- Name and position
Tracy Bakonyvari
- Telephone
07442 866746
- Email address
- Availbility
Limited Spaces
- Time of day
- Is this free to all?
- Is a referral required?
- LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
- Offering services to;
- Babies (under 1 year)
- Toddlers and Pre-school (1-4 years)
- Parents and Families
- Supporting people with;
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder including social communication difficulty
- Aspergers
- Local Offer age band
0-5 years