- Description
We aid personal and professional growth. This is for people with autism and complex needs.
We increase chances for exciting work to improve lives. This work is sustainable.
We are a user-led service. Our aim is to help disabled people get;
- employability training
- job coaching courses
Users get a 20% VAT exemption. This makes their budgets go further.
- Name and position
Tim Carrington - Charity Secretary
- Telephone
0208 123 4708
- Email address
- Date and time
Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 18:00.
- Is a referral required?
- Referral notes
Referral preferred (e.g. via JCP, Adult Social Care team, Children's Services team or other service provider ideally as part of education, health and care planning with individual and their parent/carer) so we can have a joined up approach. However, referral not absolutely necessary.
- Age range
Young people and adults
- LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
- Offering services to;
- young adults with SEND (18-25 years)
- adults
- Supporting people with;
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder including social communication difficulty
- Aspergers
- Local Offer details
Our local offer - Employment and Life Skills Services
These services have been co-designed and are delivered by people with autism and complex needs/learning disabilities who provide inspiring role models for participants.
Getsetgo - Personal and employability skills needs analysis and flexible skills development supported by work focused peer mentoring
3D connections for life and work - non accredited and highly personalised and structured 1:1 life skills training or vocational training
Digital highways - City and Guilds Level 1 and 2 accredited personal development and employability skills training.
Age range and who the services are for?
These services are foradults and young people 14-25 years old with autism, complex needs and learning disabilities who:
- would benefit from increasing their confidence and communications skills for life and work and/or
- are looking to develop a career in technology or design and want to learn how to work effectively as a part of a virtual team prior to gaining employment and/or
- may struggle to participate in other provision and would benefit from more flexible and personalised support
Criteria for access to these services
Written confirmation that the individual's needs have been identified and have the potential to be met by the innovative service we offer. This confirmation can be in the form of a letter from the individual, referral by a parent, carer or professional or other training provider, through an Education Health and Care Plan or other personal development plan from the individuals work place or volunteer centre.
Payments for the courses can be made by individuals using personal budgets or other sources of personal funding and/or by organisations providing services to those individuals directly or through their supply chains (e.g. local authority social or children services, SEN schools and colleges and local charities).
How can I access this service?
For more detailed information about the courses available as part of the local offer, individuals should email info@autus.org.uk for further information and organisations such as children's and social services, charities and SEN schools should email info@hao2.eu.
How is this service funded? Do you need to pay for this service?
This service can be purchased by individuals from Autus - the Hao2.eu Foundation using personal budgets or commissioned and fully funded on behalf of a group of individuals in a local area by a local authority or other local organisation. If there is demand for our services but no available funding for individuals or organisations to purchase these please email us to express an interest, inform us of the estimated level of unmet demand and Hao2.eu and Autus will work collaboratively with you to identify and secure potential funding sources wherever possible.
- Local offer contact
Tim Carrington. Call 02081234708.
- Needs level
High, low and medium.
- Provision type
Targeted and universal.