- Logo
- Address
Milton Hall school.
Prince Avenue school.
- Map
- How to book
- Contact information
Email: info@atfcommunity.com
- Activity
Christmas Club includes
- arts and crafts
- puzzles and games
- Christmas activities
- dodgeball
- includes a visit from The Grinch (what has he stolen from Christmas!!) and the Elves.
- Capacity
- Large
- Age range
5 to 11.
- Date and times
Monday 30th December, Tuesday 31st December, Thursday 2nd January and Friday 3rd January. 9am to 1pm.
- Will hot food be provided?
Hot festive food will be provided also with a cold option.
- What to bring
Warm coat and water bottle.
- If your child has a special educational need
Please contact to discuss, experienced staff with specialist knowledge.
- SEND Offer
- Experienced SEND Staff