Southend united community and educational trust logo
How to book
Contact information

Name: Dan King

Number: 01702 341351

Email: d.king@southendunited-cet.co.uk

Website: www.sufccommunity.co.uk


A day packed with Fun, Friends, Food and Football.

Alongside the football sessions, we will be offering workshops to explain the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

Age range

5 to 13 years.

Will hot food be provided?

Pasta bake, Rolls, Crips, Fruit, Yoghurts, Snacks, Fruit Juice

Additional information

Alongside the football sessions, we will be offering workshops to explain the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

What to bring

All children will require drinks, suitable footwear (no studs), shinpads and clothing for all weather conditions. Please arrive in trainers and bring boots in a bag.

If your child has a special educational need

Our coaches/staff are experienced in supporting pupils with additional needs.

SEND Offer
Experienced team, we are totally SEN inclusive