- Logo
- Address
SAVs: 29-31 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea, SS1 1BW.
- Contact information
Email: Turningtides@Savs-southend.co.uk
Website: www.savs-southend.org
- Activity
During our Summer HAF the children will have the chance to experience a range of activities from sports such as Kangoo, swimming, cycling, skateboarding, football, golf, Parkour and walking. There will be creative activities such as working with local artists and musicians. Children will also have the opportunity to learn some life skills through cooking and to take part in a community project to help give something back to their local community. 20 children will have the opportunity to experience a short break to the Peak District which will be delivered over 4 days. 30 children will experience a fun day out to Colchester Zoo.
- Age range
8 to 15 years.
- Will hot food be provided?
A hot meal will be provided during each of our HAF sessions unless we are unable to due to the location of the activity, a heathy nutritional packed lunch will be offered instead. Healthy drinks and snacks will be provided throughout all our sessions.
- Additional information
To help keep everyone safe and to ensure all children have the best possible experience whilst taking part in our HAF activities, we will require information on special dietary needs and any health-related needs we need to be aware of.
We will also ask you to complete a photo consent form stating if your child can/cannot appear in any photos for use on our website/social media platforms/funding reports.
- What to bring
As most of our activities will be based outside please dress according to the weather making sure you bring a raincoat/warm jumper/sensible walking shoes and a drink if necessary (no fizzy drinks please).
- If your child has a special educational need
Please tell us about any special educational needs or additional needs as this will help to ensure every child has the best possible experience.