Greenways Primary School, SS1 3BS
How to book
Contact information


Number: 01708 607660


Come and join us for our Christmas Themed Activity Camp this year where we will be running lots of Christmas inspired sports activities, including Winter Olympics and Snowball Dodgeball.

Age range

5 to 11 years.

Date and times

Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th December 9am to 3pm.

Will hot food be provided?

Sample menu:

  • spaghetti bolognese with a piece of fruit, cake and a drink
  • sausage and mash, with a piece of fruit, jelly and a drink
What to bring

Can children please wear suitable clothing for the weather as we will endeavour to be outside for some activities. Please provide your child with a refillable water bottle.

If your child has a special educational need

We are an inclusive activity camp and will set up activities for children's specific needs. Please let us know if your child needs additional support.

SEND Offer
All of our staff members work with different levels of SEND needs during their day-to-day roles at Super Star Sport.