the future of sport logo

Southchurch High School, SS2 4XA

How to book
Contact information

Each day we will enjoy fantastic sports like football, cricket, rounders and basketball. We have full access to the amazing sports field at Southend High School For Boys and that means lots of space to have lots of fun!

UEFA Qualified coaches lead our provision and with the centre lead being in education for over 20 years, the experience and expertise of the staff are second to none.

With our virtual reality experience each day plus food cooked on site by school catering staff, we are proud to be one of the best providers of holiday provision in Essex!

Age range

8 to 16 years.

Will hot food be provided?

We will be using our school catering group. Each day we will have a different option from warm pasta, chicken, sandwiches/baguettes, vegetarian options, wedges, fruit, yoghurt and a vegetable option.

SEND Offer
Qualified teacher and training in neurodiversity.