
The NHS is delivering a low calorie treatment for people in Mid & South Essex living with Type 2 diabetes who are above a healthy weight; Delivered by Momenta. This expert-developed 12-month programme has three phases. To start with you’ll follow a low calorie diet for 12 weeks (replacing all normal meals with your choice of soups, shakes and porridges totalling 8-900 calories per day). Then you’ll gradually restart ‘real food’ meals over six weeks. Finally you’ll receive ongoing support for the last 8 months to help you maintain or build on your weight loss. You’ll receive high-quality resources and one-to-one support from Momenta trained Coaches. These will give you the knowledge, skills and support you need throughout the programme and afterwards. You can choose whether to access your Coach support in-person at a local venue or digitally over an app.

On average participants lose 10-15% of their starting weight.  Many participants also stop or reduce diabetes and other medications and also tell us they feel healthier and happier.

The 12-month programme is completely free but you can only take part if you’re referred by your GP practice.


We advise emails for those not yet on the programme.

Email address

Momenta deliver the programme digitally or locally in Mid and South Essex at various venues every month. 

Date and time

Clinics are delivered from Monday to Saturday.