Is this service online or face to face

Face to face and online meetings


Voices of the East is a network open to all young people with SEND aged 5 to 25.

It is a regional network covering all Local Authority areas in the East of England including Southend-on-Sea.

Meeting agenda's are determined by what is important to the children and young people so that awareness of this can be spread across the region and to leads of service.

Meetings are held every couple of months and at different times so young people in and outside of school can join in. There is a combination of virtual and in-person meetings.

Voices of the East is funded through the East of England SEND network and is designed to bring young people together from across the region. It is led by the Multi Schools Council.

Contact notes

If you are young person, teacher, parent or professional and want to get involved please email Kierran Pearce at to find out more.


For details of in-person meeting locations please email

Date and time

For details of future meetings please email Kierran Pearce.

Is this free to all?


Age range

5 to 25