This section has information and advice about educational and childcare provision and support for children aged 0 to 5 years with special educational needs and disabilities.
Use the childcare directory to find:
- childminders
- nurseries
- pre-schools
- out of school clubs
The Early Years Team produce a Childcare Sufficiency Report. Read more here.
Use the early years and education services directory to find details of:
- education settings and;
- support for those in reception year onwards
We also have information, advice and guidance pages.
Early years support and childcare (0 to 5 years) information
- EHC Multi-Agency panel
- Parent/Carer funding information
- Southend-on-Sea Vision and Hearing Support Service
- Early Years SEND Support Service
- Information for early years practitioners
- Personal budgets and direct payments for children and young people with SEND
- Southend area neurodevelopmental pathway
- Early years local offer
- Book and resource recommendations from parent carers
- The 'Graduated Response' to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Vision Impairment
- Hearing Loss
- The role of the SENCo
- Multi-sensory impairment
- EHCP Phase Transfer