Coffee morning for senior citizens - dementia friendly
Make a difference now run a free coffee morning which includes light refreshments.
Disability Benefit Support; Work solo, not alone!
Support completing a DLA (Disability Living Allowance) form for your child ages 0 to 15. 2nd Tuesdays at our Castle Point venue & 2nd Fridays at our Southend venue.
Home to School Travel Assistance Policy consultation - online sessions
Southend-on-Sea City Council are consulting on a revised Home to School Travel Assistance Policy for children and young people with SEND. Join the team to find out more and give your views.
Total Palace SEND Youth Theatre - 12 to 16 year olds
A weekly arts and drama based group for young people with special educational or additional needs, with an interest in drama and the arts. Total Palace is one of our six youth theatres.
Total Palace SEND Youth Theatre - 8 to 11 year olds
Weekly arts and drama based group for young people with special educational or additional needs. Led by a SENCO specialist, Total Palace is one part of six youth theatres across Southend Theatres.
SSIF Coffee and Chat sessions
Monthly coffee mornings for parent carers of children and young people with SEND
Southend SEND Youth Voice meetings
Southend SEND Youth Voice is a group for those aged 11 to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Join us at a friendly, supportive meeting.
Health4Life - Fussy Eating Online
Support for parents of children aged 5 to 19 who attend school in Southend.
SSIF Seminar - Support plans and support whilst waiting for an EHCNA or EHCP
SSIF invite ParentCarers of Children with SEND to their third Seminar this year. This session will take place in Committee Room 4a at Southend Civic Centre.
SEND Preparing for Adulthood Strategy - face to face engagement session
Southend-on-Sea City Council is developing a SEND Preparing for Adulthood strategy. Come along to an engagement event.