Speech and Language (Ref. 6.28/6.29 Code of Practice)
Level 0
- speech, language and communication skills are in line with the typically developing child or young person (CYP)
- there may be some age appropriate developmental differences, particularly in young children where certain speech sounds /language/understanding of concepts can be later in developing
- needs of CYP can be adequately met through Quality First Teaching and carefully considered differentiation
Level 1
CYP has difficulties in any combination of the following areas which impact on their learning:
- speech production
- use of spoken language
- understanding of spoken language
- sentence structure and grammar
- language processing and response speed
- listening and attention
- word finding skills
- accuracy in decoding / word reading / spelling
- accuracy in understanding Maths concepts
- memory skills
- social communication skills (see descriptors for social communication)
- non-verbal communication skills
- understanding of non-literal language
- confidence and self-esteem as a communicator
It should be recognised that any break in the communication chain impacts on everything that follows, so a difficulty at any level in the chain can create a significant speech and language difficulty.
Level 2
Moderate difficulties in any of the areas provided at Level 1 plus:
- CYP's progress is significantly slower than that of their peers and there is evidence of an increasing gap between them and their peers despite access to appropriate learning opportunities and support
- CYP requires ongoing support and advice from Speech and Language professionals
Level 3
Severe difficulties in any of the areas provided in Level 1 plus:
- CYP is likely to need an understanding and use of augmented language resources (such as Makaton / PECS)
- CYP requires ongoing support and advice from Speech and Language professionals in order to make progress
- support is required several times a day for the CYP to be able to communicate
Level 4
Severe and profound difficulties in any of the areas provided in Level 1 plus:
- significant impact on CYP's independent life skills
- limited or no progress from targeted sessions
- little or no impact from use of augmented language resources (such as Proloquo2go)
- support and/or differentiation required in every lesson
- support is required throughout the day for the CYP to be able to access learning