January 2021 statistics
Southend City Council population:
- 0 to 19 population: 43, 200
- pupils with SEN: 12.4%
- pupils with SEN support: 2,663
- Special Schools Population: 595
- Pupil Referral Unit Population: 80
Schools with an Ofsted rating of good or above:
- 11 (21%) - Outstanding
- 24 (65%) - Good
- 6 (12%) - Need improvement
- 1 (2%) - Inadequate
Southend City Council pupils with Education Health and Care Plans: 1,399
Southend Education Providers:
- Primary Schools and Nurseries: 34*
- Secondary Schools: 12**
- Special Schools: 5
- Early Years including childminders: 202
- Pupil Referral Units: 2
- Post 16 Providers: 3
* 4 Primary Schools with a resource base.
** 2 Secondary Schools with a resource base.