This section is about health and wellbeing.
A summary of health services for children and young people in Southend, can be found here: Local Context section of the Southend SEND Strategy.
Find details of health and wellbeing services.
Information about your choices in the NHS.
If your child is 0 to 5 you can read about Health Visiting Service.
Please also review our health and wellbeing information pages. If you can't find what you need contact us at
Health and wellbeing information
- Neurodevelopmental guides
- Mental health
- Dental treatment and oral healthcare for people with special needs
- NHS continuing healthcare
- Personal budgets and direct payments for children and young people with SEND
- AV1 Robots
- Annual health checks for people with a learning disability
- Development and Play Children's Service (Jigsaws)
- Continuing care for children and young people
- Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
- Southend SEND: Early Identification and support toolkit
- Southend area neurodevelopmental pathway
- Transforming Care
- Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) role
- What to do if you are concerned about your child's health
- Speech, language and communication support
- LGBTQIA+ information
- NHS Complaints
- Consent to treatment and capacity
- Appointees, deputies and power of attorney
- Support for parent carers of children and young people with SEND
- Anxiety and worries about going to school