Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) service
The AMHP service is responsible for undertaking mental health assessments. The service also responds to referrals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
AMHPs may be qualified professionals who have gained an additional qualification. It's this additional qualification that allows them to undertake the AMHP role.
Examples of qualified professionals that can gain the additional qualification include:
- Social Workers
- Nurses
- Occupational Therapists
- Psychologists
AMHPs can make an application to detain a person in hospital for a period of assessment or treatment. This is all valid under a section of the Mental Health Act.
Most of Southend's AMHPs are social workers, though some are nurses.
Southend's AMHPs are employed by either:
- Southend-on-Sea City Council
- Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT)
The minority, which are EPUT employed, act on behalf of the council when carrying out the role.
If you wish to contact the AMHP service, please:
- call 01702 215627
- send an email