Photograph of Edward holding his sign underneath a lamp post on which the sign is displayed. Edward is surrounded by 5 adults.

St. Christopher School student Edward is proud to have his road safety signs installed, thanks to support from SENDIASS, the St. Christopher School and the Southend Council Highways Team.

Over the past 5 years, SENDIASS Southend have supported a family whose son Edward has a special interest in speed awareness signs. Before the pandemic, we got agreement from the Southend-on-Sea City Council Highways Team for Edward to design a speed sign to be displayed near his school.

Then the pandemic came and Edward's project could not happen. This year, whilst working with his family again, Edward asked about his sign. By this time Edward was attending The St. Christopher School. We reached out to the Headteacher and Edward's Art Teacher, and they agreed to work with us and the Highways Team to design and create Edward's sign which would be located outside the school.

We were delighted to help Edward achieve his dream. 4 ‘slow down’ signs using his artwork have been installed on Mountdale Gardens and can be seen by drivers and pedestrians as they pass his school. When asked why it was so important to make his speed awareness road sign, Edward said, "It saves lives which is good and I want to help and that's why, and they are cool".

Edward felt sad that it couldn't happen because of the pandemic, but now the signs are in place, he is "happy and proud and wants to replace signs all over Southend with different ones". And if not by him, then by others who love signs as much as he does. When Edward is older, he wants to make signs by working for Highways.

Edward also wants to thank the King for allowing it. Edward's Mother said "The reason he thanks the King is for all the years he has loved road signs, the reason I said he could not put his road signs on the actual road (other than the confusion and dangers it may cause), was because the land belonged to the Queen and we would have to get her permission, and she was a very busy lady with the whole country to run. He has asked for his own road sign for over 8 years and finally, he has one, and to see the joy in his eyes when he saw not 1 but 4 of them has made the long wait worthwhile and it's down to you all that made his dream come true. Thanks to all at St. Christopher's and the SENDIASS Team."

Chris Read, the council's highways manager, says,: "I felt moved to achieve something for Edward. It was also good timing as we had recently undertaken a trial around the school by getting the original flashing speed signs fitted with solar power. We thought it was an ideal place to put up an additional sign and reinforce the safety message to slow down around the school and that a personal message from a child at the school would help further."

Sarah Lobar, Edward's Art Teacher said, "We are thrilled to see Ed's sign come to life and thank everyone involved in making his dream a reality. Let's hope it helps make a difference by keeping the roads outside our school safe. Well done, Ed!"

Social media posts created and shared by Southend City Council have had over 200 ‘likes’ and many positive comments for Edward and his project. We are sure he and his family are very proud.

We hope Edward's signs will have a positive impact and continue to support the importance of speed awareness, especially around our schools, making journeys to and from school safer for all children. Well done, Edward!

Published: Thursday, 8th August 2024