The SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Local Offer team worked with members of the Southend SEND Youth Forum to create an annual review survey, which launched in January 2023.
The survey is for children and young people with an Education Health and Care Plan (sometimes called an EHCP for short).
The SEND Team are the people who maintain and review EHCPs for children and young people. They are often known as the 'Council', 'Local Authority' or 'LA' for short.
The council check EHCPs every year to make sure the plan is still helping the child or young person. This check is called an annual review.
The annual review is a chance to:
- celebrate what is going well
- listen to the views of the child or young person
- check that the child or young person is getting the support they need
- make sure the EHCP will help the child or young person reach their goals and support what they hope to be able to do in the future
The SEND Local Offer team and the young people who helped us produce the annual review survey have now developed a video to accompany it. The video aims to encourage other young people to complete the survey and tell us about their experience of the annual review process:
To complete the survey, please visit SEND Annual Review Survey for Children and Young People