![Older people doing exercises in a hall setting](/livewellsouthend/images/Falls_prevention_graphics_1080x1080_22_3_233.jpg)
Falling as we get older is quite common and although most falls don't cause serious injury, they can really dent confidence, causing distress or embarrassment.
Worse still, they can threaten people’s confidence.
The good news is there’s lots of things people can do to reduce the risk and help them stay steady on their feet – and all these tips are available in one handy guide.
‘Fall Proof’ is a 12-page booklet highlights a checklist of actions to take to reduce the risk of falling, including sections on trip hazards, hydration, balance, blood pressure, eyesight and exercise.
The guide is available online at: Improving your strength and balance and preventing falls.
Residents can also visit Able Like Mabel on the Active Essex website, to access information on how to reduce their risk of falling by doing simple movements at home, keeping them strong and steady.