You are invited to shape the SEND Local Offer.
The Livewell Southend website which includes the Southend SEND Local Offer recently moved to a new platform providing an improved search function and accessibility features.
It is important that the SEND Local Offer is easy to navigate and contains clear information for young people with SEND, their parent carers and practitioners. The new platform gives us more opportunity to shape the information and how it is laid out.
Development of the site will be ongoing, but parent carers and professionals are invited to come along to a friendly face to face or online session in July to look at the new site, provide feedback and tell us what you need.
Details of our upcoming engagement sessions can be found here Your Local Offer, your way sessions, engagement and co-production opportunities
If you are a group, organisation or school that runs SEND parent carer sessions and you’d like the Local Offer team to come along to deliver a Local Offer introduction/feedback session, please let us know.
We are particularly keen to get as much feedback as possible before the end of September so we can start shaping the site. Contact the Local Offer team.