Information leaflet about the disability benefits appointments

STRM (SEND the Right Message) has a new Southend location for one to one disability benefits appointments.

STRM (SEND the Right Message) are excited to announce a new Southend location for registered families for our one to one Disability Benefits Appointments with Dee.

The new venue is St Mary's Centre, East Hall, 11 Hill Road, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6JT

July appointments have been released and those on the waitlist have been given priority access to book so check your email and get in quick. Not received your email? Email

Supported by the Community Investment Board.

Booking is essential. Sessions run on Tuesdays (term time) from 9.45am to 11.15am and 12pm to 1.30pm.

Contact 07359 068 827 or email for further information.

Published: Thursday, 20th June 2024