Inclusion Outreach

The team have sound knowledge and years of experience supporting young people.

The purpose of Inclusion Outreach is to support both young people and schools at both primary and secondary level, in encouraging engagement and addressing any issues relating to learning that they may have.

Schools are reminded that the Inclusion Outreach Team will continue to support schools both on site and virtually through both strategic whole school or individual teacher support; City wide CPD and school focussed training sessions; and undertaking pupil observations and providing support strategies for increasing inclusion and access to learning. In addition, they offer direct work and practical support in the classroom with pupils reintegrating from direction placements, Fair Access, and Inclusion Panels to help pupils sustain the mainstream placement.

As a local authority, we continue to work closely with Victory Park Academy. For those schools wishing to seek a placement at Victory Park's Turnaround Groups (TAG); the school should have first sought support and advice from the Inclusion Outreach Team, with places allocated through the Inclusion Panel unless there are exceptional circumstances. With this process parental consent is required for Inclusion Panels.

Schools, for more information and opportunity to discuss further please email