Measuring impact and progress
Ultimate accountability for the delivery of the SEND Strategy rests with the SEND Strategic Partnership Board. The strategy is underpinned by a detailed SEND Strategic Action Plan which the Southend SEND Partnership is accountable for. The partnership will drive the delivery of this strategy and the action plan, with oversight provided by SSIF.
Progress against the strategy will be monitored at least termly, with scrutiny and challenge from:
- Southend SEND Strategic Partnership Board.
- Southend Education Board
- Southend Health and Wellbeing Board
- The Mid and South Essex Integrated Commissioning Board
- Southend City Council People Scrutiny committee
- The Mid and South Essex Children and Young Peoples Growing Well Board.
- SEND Strategy engagement sessions
Our success will be determined by the lived experience of our children, young people, and families to understand if, and how, they are seeing the difference.
We will monitor impact by:
- listening to feedback from children and young people, their families, and professionals
- working with Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF) and other groups
- working with the SEND Young People's Forum and other youth groups to hear directly from young people
- reviewing feedback from regular surveys
- designing new and creative ways to capture feedback
- reviewing provision arrangements for SEND in Southend schools and settings
- undertaking appropriate co-production approaches in the regular review of progress against the delivery of the SEND Strategy