After the young person turns 18

At 18 years of age most young people in care are supported by the 16+ Leaving Care Team. All young people supported by the 16+ Leaving Care Team at Southend City Council until the age up to age 25 (if in education/training).

Once the young person turns 18 the Leaving Care Team will provide the young person with a Personal Advisor (PA) up to the age of 25. This role provides information and advice. Adult and Community Services (ACS) will adopt and be responsible for any primary social care needs or safeguarding of the young person.


For all young people it is important that as a part of the transition handover, the CYP practitioner makes clear to ASC any safeguarding issues, this involves sharing risk assessments. It is important that ACS are made aware of assessed risk, who poses risks and how this is currently being managed and all the people involved in managing the risk.

For young people who are subject to Care Orders and will have care and support needs post 18, an early referral for legal advice will be required to consider if a Court of Protection or High Court application to extend similar protection afforded by the Care Order is required into adulthood, e.g., where others pose a risk of significant harm and seek the young adult's return to their care. Court of Protection applications can be made by ASC from the age 18 years of age onwards, and legal protection that is required by a young person before the age of 18 will be the responsibility of Children Services.

Where a person has turned 18 and is still receiving any form of Children Services and a safeguarding matter is raised, it would be the responsibility of Adult Services to manage any safeguarding or Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards/Liberty Protection Safeguards.

Adult Social Care Portal

You can ask for help by using our online portal. This is the quickest and easiest way to make a referral for yourself or the person you care for. If you don't have access to the internet, you can call our Contact Centre on 01702 215008.