Early Years childcare settings
Nurseries typically offer full day care and usually accept children from around the age of 3 months to 5 years. Many nurseries now offer morning and afternoon sessional care.
Pre-schools typically offer Sessional Care and usually take children from the age of around 2 to 5 years old. Their care for children normally lasts around 3-4 hours in the morning or the afternoon or possibly both.
Nursery Classes attached to Schools act like pre-schools offering sessional care, either morning or afternoon, during term time only. They take children from 3 years-old. School nursery classes are subject to the same regulations as the school to which they are attached and do not require a their own Ofsted Inspection. Please notes that if your child attends a nursery class attached to a school this does not guarantee them a place within the school and you will need to go through the schools standard application process.