Home environments


Childminders can offer flexible childcare in their own home. They can normally look after a maximum of 3 children under 5 years old at any one time. Childminders are Ofsted registered. Most childminders in Southend offer government funded childcare places. Childminders can also offer out of school wrap around and school holiday care. You can check what services each childminder offers on Livewell.


Nannies, Au Pairs, Home Childcarere and Babysitters provide childcare in the child's own home. They are often a suitable childcare option for parents and carers whose working hours make locating other forms of childcare difficult. Employing a nanny is an important responsibility. There are no legal requirements on a person applying to work as a nanny. It is the responsibility of the parent as employer to make sure that the person who is being employed will look after their children well.

Nannies do not have to be Ofsted registered but they are able to register on Ofsted's Voluntary Register and this could enable parents and carers to claim the childcare element of Working Tax Credits.

Friends and relatives often provide childcare. If a friend is caring for your child in the child's home, then they do not need to be registered. If a friend cares for your child in their own home in return for payment, then they may need to be registered, Ofsted will be able to advise accordingly. Relatives do not need to be registered at all. Childcare by friends or relatives means that you will be unable to claim any help towards the cost of childcare through tax credits or tax-free childcare unless are a registered childcare provider and also care for children that are not relatives.