
We are the community group for the Chalkwell ward of Southend. We provide a forum for local issues for those who live/own a business in the ward, and our aim is to build local knowledge and relationships. New members are always welcome.

Our meetings, a mix of in-person within the ward and online, are held monthly, except for January and August, and cover a wide range of important local issues, including planning and development, health, education, traffic and parking and waste/recycling services. We are supported by our ward councillors, who come to meetings, answer questions and help with issues. We also hold an annual lunch and quiz night and other occasional social events.

Name and position
Jane Hendry - Hon. Secretary
07983 225293
Email address
Date and time

10 meetings per year (not January or August), usually held on the second Wednesday of the month. 7:30pm to 9:30pm.

Time of day
LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
Offering services to;