
Southend High School for Girls aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our students in order for them to achieve their fullest potential at all stages of progression throughout the school.

Students may have special educational needs, throughout, or at any time, during their school career. This policy ensures that both curriculum planning and assessment take account of the type and extent of the difficulty experienced by the student.

Teachers take into account in their planning a student’s special educational needs and the provision made therefore enables her/him to participate effectively in all areas of the curriculum and the broader aspects of school life.

Name and position
Ms F Brierley - Headteacher
01702 588852
Email address
Southend High School For Girls, Southchurch Boulevard, Southend-on-sea, SS2 4UZ
LO provider type
Local Offer - Education
Offering services to;
Secondary Children (11-16 years) Young People (16-18 years)
Local Offer details

The SENCO has responsibility for:

  • Overseeing the day to day operation of the school's SEN policy
  • Liaising with and advising colleagues
  • Coordinating the provision for students with special educational needs and monitoring the effectiveness of intervention and their progress.
  • Liaising with parents of students with special educational needs
  • Liaising with external agencies including the LEA's support services and clinical end educational psychology services.
  • Liasing with the examinations officer to ensure JCQ regulations are met.
  • Working with students to overcome barriers to learning.

Information about support for special educational needs and disabilities.

Local offer contact

Call 01702 588852. Email

Provision type
Local offer question 1

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

Identification of students with SEN

The SENCo will work with all staff to ensure that students who may need additional or different support are identified as soon as possible.

The progress made by all students at this school is regularly monitored and reviewed by the class teacher, learning managers and through the use of targets and data. The school will usually only identify students as having special educational needs when we are taking action that is additional or different from that which goes on in the classroom as part of our differentiated approach.

Students who are not making adequate progress or who have specific learning difficulties may be identified as having special educational needs.

The programme of primary/secondary liaison carried out by the learning manager for year 7 alerts the school to potential needs.

Information from parents is always investigated and acted upon where appropriate.

Class teachers/learning managers/form tutors consult with the SENCo regarding any concerns they may have about student’s progress and achievement.

Local offer question 2

How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person? How will the teaching be adapted for my child with SEND?

Monitoring, Assessment and Review for all Students with SEN

It is the responsibility of every subject teacher to monitor the progress of individual students in her/his charge and to identify students in need of particular support.

Whole school data will be used to assess and monitor the progress of students with SEND in all areas of the curriculum.

All students who have been identified as having SEN have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This is held in their digital profile on SIMS and is accessible by all subject teachers who should use it when considering quality first teaching and differentiation in their lesson planning.

The IEP is created after discussion with the pupil, their parents, subject teachers and if appropriate, outside agencies.

A student with a statement of special educational needs will also have an annual review.

The SENCO and other appropriate staff will liaise with the receiving school/college/university when a student with special needs is due to transfer.

Local offer question 3

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young persons needs?

Access to the Curriculum

  • All students have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to enable students to:
  • Understand the relevance and purpose of learning activities
  • To take an active role in their own learning
  • Experience levels of understanding and rates of progress which bring feelings of success and achievement

Every subject area is responsible for the content of its curriculum and for the assessment and suitability of its teaching methods and materials to match the level and rate of progress of students.

There should be clear learning objectives and a positive and supportive atmosphere for all, in which differences between students can be acknowledged and catered for fully. Examples of good practice, new initiatives and resources should be shared through regular INSET particularly at department level.

Staff should be referring to IEP targets for SEN students and liaising with the SENCO for further information on individual students with SEN.

Assessment and data should be used regularly to inform the next stage of learning.


Local offer question 4

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me support my child's/young person's learning?

SHSG keeps in regular contact with all students' families via the report and tracking systems.

For students on the SEN register either termly or half termly reviews are set.

The SENCo and Learning Managers keep in regular contact by email and phone with parents and guardians of students who have additional learning needs.

Local offer question 5

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall wellbeing?

We have a rigorous PSHE curriculum.

All students have daily contact with their form tutor and associate tutor who conduct regular one to one 'catch ups' with students. These are overseeon by the Learning Managers who will refer students for extra support.

Systems are in place for academic and pastoral mentoring and counselling should a student be in need.

The pastoral team will refer students to external support from specialist agencies where necessary.

Local offer question 6

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school/setting/college?

External Agencies

The school has links with the Educational Psychologist and the school nurse who all make regular visits.

When necessary, specialist teachers visit from the provider unit can be called upon for additional support.

The Learning Mangers and Head of Key Stages liaise with the SENCo when it is necessary to make a EHFSA referral for a student.

The SENCo hols the National Award for SEN Provision.


Local offer question 7

What training are the staff supporting the children and young people with SEND have had or are having?

Staff Training

The SENCo holds the National Award for SEN Provision.

The SENCo attends relevant courses on how to support students with special educational needs.

The SENCo, in consultation with the head teacher/deputy head teacher/assistant heads will provide training for staff through INSET as and when appropriate. Particular support is given to GTs/NQT’s as part of their induction programme.

We have a SEN Working Party which convenes to discuss SEND provision and needs. Outside experts are invited in and the findings disseminated amongst staff via weekly bulletin updates and whole school INSET.

Local offer question 8

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

SHSG will carry our a risk assessment and make reasonable adjustments to allow all students to access activities outside the classroom including school trips.  

Local offer question 9

How accessible is the setting/school/college environment?

It is the policy of the school to improve access for disabled persons to all buildings and to facilitate free movement for the disabled within each building. We recognise that disabled persons include the visually impaired and hard of hearing, or those with other impairments, as well as those confined to wheelchairs.

Please find a link to this policy here Accessibility Policy



Local offer question 10

How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

The SENCO and other appropriate staff will liaise with the receiving school/college/university when a student with special needs is due to transfer.

Local offer question 11

How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

The SEN budget is used to support the needs of students with special needs.

Local offer question 12

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

It is the responsibility of every subject teacher to monitor the progress of individual students in her/his charge and to identify students in need of particular support.

Whole school data will be used to assess and monitor the progress of students with SEND in all areas of the curriculum.

All students who have been identified as having SEN have an Individual Support Plan (ISP).

 The ISP is created after discussion with the pupil, their parents, subject teachers and if appropriate, outside agencies to make the decision about what type and how much support a young person will receive.

A student with a statement of special educational needs will also have an annual review.

Local offer question 13

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

SHSG provide a weekly gazette that is emailed to all families (paper copies are available on request).

A termly highlights of events is also emailed.

SHSG report on pupil progress at regular intervals throughout the academic year.

Parent/teacher interviews are held at regular intervals.

Learning managers will contact home if there is a need.

The Learning Managers and the SENCo are available to speak to or email families if they wish and aim to respond to queries within a reasonable time slot.