
Transpire is a constituted voluntary community group with an elected committee. We are also members of Southend Association of Voluntary Services (SAVS) and the LGBT consortium. We are not a trans fetish group.

There is little on offer in the Southend area of Essex, for the trans community, their families or friends. Feeling isolated can make people feel incredibly vulnerable, and sometimes there seems no place to turn to. But there is; simply by talking to other people, whatever their connection to the trans community can be a big help. We hold monthly meetings and have a closed facebook group. Anyone can join this facebook page, Trans or not, so please don't feel we are automatically assuming you are trans just by joining the page.

Name and position
Gina Denham - Chair
01702 668060
Email address
Is a referral required?
Age range
All age groups
LO provider type
Local Offer - General Provider
Supporting people with;

Social, emotional & mental health difficulty.

Provision type