Support for children and young people with SEND and/or medical needs
Support for children and young people with SEND
All schools in Southend are expected to support children and young people with SEND. The `graduated response` document outlines what support you can expect to be provided.
Due to the anxieties that some children and young people with Autism experience, they might be at increased risk of EBSA. If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), you can also speak to their EHC Case Co-Ordinator, as it might be that some further support needs to be put in place. The Southend Council SEND Team will be able to tell you who your Case Co-Ordinator is.
The SENDIASS Southend website has some ideas for support strategies you can discuss with your child or young person's school that may help. Read emotional based school avoidance information on the SENDIASS website.
Support for children and young people with medical needs
There will be a wide range of circumstances where a pupil has a health need but will receive suitable education that meets their needs without the intervention of the Local Authority. For example:
- where a pupil can still attend school with some support such as a Health Care Plan or Modified Learning Plan or;
- where the school has made arrangements to deliver suitable education outside of school using the school's resources or through remote learning platforms
Schools are expected to have a policy that sets out the support for pupils at school with medical conditions. However, there are occasions when a child has health needs that means they are unable to attend school. The school are responsible for making a referral to Education Access
Read about the Education Access Team.
Support could include:
- the use of an AV1 Robot teleprescence unit
- interim tuition face to face or online