Sensory needs

Sometimes children find it hard to cope with the sensory demands of an environment. Our senses include:

  • visual - what we can see
  • auditory - what we can hear
  • tactile - what we can touch
  • taste

Some children may find it more difficult to manage environments. They might say they are ‘too noisy’ or ‘too bright’. Others might find it very difficult to wear school uniforms that have tags in, or are too heavy. They might insist on wearing jumpers even when it is very warm outside.

Sensory checklist for schools

These are some of the things you can expect your school to consider:

  • are there options for adjustable lighting in classrooms or areas where students spend significant time?
  • are there designated quiet spaces equipped with comfortable seating and minimal sensory stimuli?
  • have noise reduction measures been put in place in classrooms and common areas?
  • is there a system for providing structured breaks for students with sensory sensitivities?
  • have individualised plans been created for students with known sensory needs, with input from parents, caregivers, and professionals?
  • have school staff had training on recognising and addressing sensory needs in students?
  • is there open communication with parents and caregivers about a child' s sensory needs. And are strategies consistently applied at home and school?