Photograph of a young person cutting some food up on a chopping board. Another young person is in the background stirring a pot on a hob

An information event for young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in school year 9 and above, their parent carers, and professionals

The Southend-on-Sea City Council Preparing for Adulthood team invite you to a Preparing for Adulthood Fair on Friday 18 October 2024.

The event will focus on the 4 main areas of Preparing for Adulthood: employment/education, independent living, community inclusion and health.

The fair will include:

  • a `marketplace` area where you can meet local teams and organisations (open from 12pm to 4pm)
  • 3 information sessions

There is no need to book a place. Just come along and browse the marketplace stalls and/or join us at one or more of the information sessions. If you are attending an information session, please ensure you are seated in the room before the start time.

Information session 1 - 12.30pm to 1pm: The Adult Social Care offer

This session will be delivered by the Adult Transitions Team. It will include information about:

  • what the team do and how they support families
  • care assessments
  • transition from children's services to the Adult Transitions Team
  • what happens if a young person hasn't had children's social care services, but needs adult social care services

Information session 2 - 1.15pm to 1.45pm: Moving from children's to adults' health services

This session will be delivered by health colleagues focusing on transitions between childrens health services and adult universal services. It will include information about consent to treatment, capacity and Deputyship.

Information session 3 - 2pm to 2.30pm: Education courses and pathways to employment available through local further education colleges

This session will be delivered by colleagues from Southend Adult Community College, and teams from South Essex Colleges Group and USP College. It will include information about:

  • courses and support available from each of the colleges
  • Supported Internships

We look forward to seeing you at the event. If there are any questions, please email

For information about Preparing for Adulthood, please visit the SEND Local Offer.

Date: 18th October 2024.

Location: Civic Centre Victoria Avenue

Cost: Free

Time: 12:00 - 16:00