Tickets for Southend Mencap's MODS drama group show are now on sale direct from The Palace Theatre.

The MODS 2024 musical, 'Whisper Of Angels', takes us to London during the second world war and tells the story of a young autistic girl called Maria Valentino. On the night of December 29th, 1940, London was set on fire; it was the worst night of the blitz so far. Maria's family home was destroyed and her entire family were lost. The only thing, apart from Maria herself, that was pulled from the bombed-out home they all shared, was Maria's childhood toy box. This tiny box became the sole focus of her life. Maria was sent to live with her aunt who ran a small Circus Theatre in Berwick Street, Soho. However, her aunt took her in with some reluctance having fallen out with her sister, Maria's mother, after she married an Italian soldier. Maria was treated terribly not only by her aunt, but the entire family who all believed her to be useless. For four long years this remained the case, and each and every day that passed caused Maria to retreat further into her shell. However, what no-one knew at the time, was that Maria had a special talent, a gift, that was to change her life forever. What was that gift? Well, to discover the truth, come along and enjoy this truly magical musical with us.

Date: 22nd November 2024.

Location: The Palace Theatre

Cost: Tickets are £16.50 (£14 for concessions)

Time: 18:30 - 22:15