Implementing the new arrangements
All mainstream pupils were converted to the nearest band (we rounded up where pupils were between bands). This was to make sure all schools received the same or more money for the same group of pupils as they would have done under the earlier scheme.
There were 2 or 3 agreed bands for each individual special school. Calculation of these bands were historic and had been inflated each year.
The bands were different for each special school even though they might be admitting pupils with similar needs. We worked with schools to re-band all pupils to each of the 10 new bands. Some pupils were banded higher than the previous band allocated and some lower. As as a result, each special school received a reasonable amount of additional funding for the same cohort of pupils, and inflation was added. This was Education Board's way of making sure additional funding was placed in our special schools to recognise the valuable role they play.
For parents the banding should make no difference to the provision for their child or young person which remains clearly specified in their Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The accumulation of banded pupils creates a budget for the special school (which has increased due to the new arrangements).The special school uses that budget to make provision for all pupils on roll in line with their EHCPs.