
Health Visiting: 01702 534911

A Better Start Southend Specialist Health Visitors for Perinatal Mental Health

PANDAS has social media channels for anyone affected by postnatal depression, including partners.

The Samaritans: 116 123

Going back to work

For some parents, the solution to feeling lonely and isolated is to go back to work. Sit down and discuss returning to work with your partner, family and employer to ensure you are ready.

Money, work and benefits

Money can be a major headache. The first step is to make sure you are getting everything you are entitled to. Telephone the ‘Make the Call' benefit helpline on 0800 232 1271.

Southend-on-Sea City Council

A new cost-of-living booklet is available for Southend residents. For more information visit the Council's cost-of-living website:

Government support 2023/2024

Food and milk

Some familes are entitles to help to buy food and milk visit:

Food banks

Health visitors can support with local food banks and storehouse referrals and signpost to local support. For further information visit: and