If you are concerned about your child's health speak to your:

  • GP
  • Health Visitor
  • School Nurse
  • other local child health service

Health Visitors

Health Visitors support families with children aged 0 to 5. They can help with concerns about physical and mental well-being.

The Southend Health Visiting Team can be contacted Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, apart from bank holidays.

Phone: 01702 534911

Email: MSEICB-S.Southend0-19PublicHealthServiceAdmin@nhs.net

School Nurses

School Nursing services are offered to schools in Southend and in some Family Centres.

School Nurses:

  • are the lead public health professional for school aged children
  • take over from the Health Visitor on the child's 5th birthday.
  • work in partnership with families and professionals to promote the health of all children
  • support children with health needs in the school environment

Referrals can be made by parents and professionals.

Phone: 01702 534843

Email sccg.southendpublichealthnurses@nhs.net

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Children's and Adolescent's Mental Health Service (SET CAMHS)

SET CAMHS provides advice and support for emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties to:

  • children
  • young people
  • families

It supports those aged 0 to18, or up to 25 for those with special educational needs.

Help and guidance is available for:

  • any child or young person having mental health difficulties
  • parent carers
  • professionals

Children and young people can contact the service directly. Parent carers and professionals can make contact on behalf of a child or young person.

Phone: 0800 953 0222

For urgent help or out of hours support call 0800 995 1000.

Email SET-CAMHS.referrals@nelft.nhs.uk

Further information on local services and resources

For details of other local services, visit the:

Children's Health Matters has information for parent carers about children's health.

If your child is neurodivergent, you may find these neurodiversity guides helpful.