What is a Care (Education) and Treatment Review?

A Care Education and Treatment Review (C(E)TR) is a meeting.

It happens when a child, young person or adult is on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and is considered to be at significant risk.

Who attends the meeting

It includes all professionals involved in the child, young person or adult's care. The person attends and, based on their wishes their family or carers will be invited to join too.

What's discussed in the meeting

The meeting includes:

  • making sure the person gets the right care and treatment 
  • looking at support needed to stay safe in the community 
  • support for a transition into hospital or another suitable setting 
  • identifying any barriers to accessing local support
  • reviewing education provision where appropriate 

When the meetings happen

This depends on the individual circumstances.

Speak to the professional's involved in your/your child's care to find out when a meeting should take place based on your specific needs.

What happens after the meeting

Each time a review happens, the DSR is updated to show whether the person's level of risk has changed.

Find out more about Care Education and Treatment reviews on the NHS website

Guidance for young people

Autistic young people aged 16 to 25 years can read guides about how DSRs and C(E)TRs work on the NHS England website.