Information about Vecteo

Vecteo provide home to school transport for children and young people with SEND in Southend-on-Sea. Many team members have children or relatives with SEND.

Staff training includes:

  • safeguarding
  • epilepsy
  • diabetes
  • first aid
  • manual handling

A member of staff is BSL trained. Another completed a Level 2 SEND Diploma.

New families and those who will be having a change of driver and PA are offered a meet and greet session. This is so the change goes as smoothly as possible.

A private parent carer Facebook group (Vecteo Family) helps with information sharing. There is a dedicated complaints email for parent carers:

The team always consider how journeys can be made better for children and young people. As a vehicle approaches another in traffic, a buzzer goes off. This can upset some children. To stop this, drivers leave a larger gap between them and the vehicle in front.

Standard interior vehicle lighting is large white lights. Some children and young people don't like this. It is often changed to small blue LED lights.

Star of the Week certificates are given out.

The team have a strong customer ethos. They welcome feedback about:

  • what is working well
  • suggestions for improvement

Vecteo have a strong community spirit. They have:

  • helped local organisations when their own vehicles have not been available
  • taken part in the Halloween parade, supporting local SEND support organisations
  • raised money to send a Passenger Assistants to Berlin to represent Team GB as captain of the Special Olympics football team

The team are happy to attend parent carer sessions to talk about their service. Email Vecteo with any enquiries: