As your child reaches the age of 2 it is important to continue offering 3 meals and a maximum of 2 healthy snacks a day. You may find that you need to increase your child's portion size at this age as they are becoming more active. For more information about portion sizes please look at Good Food Choices & Portion Sizes for 1-4 Year Olds
It is recommended that children of this age continue to only drink water, semi – skimmed or whole cows milk and/or unsweetened milk alternatives. Children should be regularly using free flowing beakers and starting to drink from open top cups. Milk can reduce a child's appetite, so feed your child milk in smaller quantities and avoid doing this near mealtimes.
The Health Visiting Service work closely with the local Family Centres to offer support and advice to help you and your family stay safe, happy and healthy. If you feel you need any further support or advice around feeding your child, please contact the Health Visiting Service.
Healthy Lives 4 under Fives
The Healthy Lives 4 Under Fives programme is a free, informative, and supportive local programme. It is aimed to support families with children aged 2.5 years up to 5 years old to achieve and maintain a heathy weight and continue to make healthy lifestyle choices.
The offered programme:
- three initial home visits, where our trained Health Visitor Assistant will complete a full assessment and plan to support your child and family
- a clinic appointment fora review
- transition to school workshop

Healthy lunch box ideas
Here is some information around healthy lunch box ideas

Fussy Eating
Many children will go through periods of fussy or picky eating It is normal for parents to worry about this.

Oral Health
It is recommended to register your baby with a dentist when their first tooth arrives.

The Eatwell Guide
The Guide shows the different food groups and the nutritional benefits for our bodies.

Physical activity
Being active is an important part of a child's growth and development. Physical activity will help to improve fine motor and gross motor skills and supports your child to lead a balanced lifestyle.

Healthy Start
If you are more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. You are also able to get vitamins via the Healthy Start scheme. You can get these from the Family Centres.

Children aged 1-4 should be given a daily supplement containing 10mcg of vitamin D.

Food Scanner App
This is a tool to help you read food labels when making healthy food choices. It will make suggestions for healthy swaps.